For many women, lipstick is an essential part of their daily makeup routine. It can add a pop of color to a neutral outfit, make a statement for a special occasion, or simply make them feel more confident and put-together. However, applying lipstick can be tricky, especially for those who are new to wearing makeup. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the top five tips for applying lipstick to help you achieve the perfect pout every time.

From prepping your lips to choosing the right shade, these tips will take your lipstick game to the next level.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie to the world of makeup, these tips will help you achieve a flawless, long-lasting lipstick look that will have everyone asking you for your secret.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the top five tips for applying lipstick.

Tip #1: Prepping Your Lips for Lipstick Application

Before you can achieve the perfect pout, you need to make sure your lips are prepped and ready for lipstick application. The first step is to exfoliate your lips. Dead skin cells can accumulate on your lips, leading to a rough texture that makes applying lipstick difficult. Use a lip scrub or a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently buff away the dead skin. This will leave you with a smooth surface that will make lipstick application a breeze. Avon’s fmg Glimmer Lip Polish does an amazing job of buffing away dry, flaky skin, and it leaves your lips feeling kissably soft.

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fmg Glimmer Lip Polish

Once your lips are exfoliated, it’s time to moisturize them. Dry, cracked lips can make your lipstick look patchy and uneven. Use a lip balm to hydrate your lips and keep them looking smooth. Let the balm sink in for a few minutes before applying any lipstick. This will ensure that your lips are well-hydrated and ready for color.

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Finally, consider using a lip primer. A lip primer can help your lipstick last longer and prevent it from bleeding or feathering. Apply the primer to your lips before applying any lipstick. This will create a smooth base that will help your lipstick adhere better and prevent it from smudging. With these prepping tips, your lips will be ready for the next step: choosing the right shade for your skin tone.

Tip #2: Choosing the Right Shade for Your Skin Tone

Finding the perfect shade of lipstick for your skin tone can transform your entire look and boost your confidence. Understanding your undertones is the first step in selecting the right shade. Undertones explained are the subtle hues that are present under your skin’s surface. There are three types of undertones: cool, warm, and neutral. Color theory comes into play when selecting a lipstick shade that complements your undertones.

To find your undertone, look at the veins on your wrist. If they appear blue, you have cool undertones. If they are green, you have warm undertones. If you cannot tell, then you have neutral undertones. Once you have determined your undertones, it’s time to select the right lipstick shade. Neutral shades are perfect for all undertones and are great for a natural look. Bold shades, such as reds and purples, are ideal for warm undertones, while cool undertones look best in colors such as pink and berry.

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Keep in mind that these are just guidelines, and you should select shades that make you feel confident and beautiful. If you’re unsure about a shade, try it on in natural light. Additionally, don’t be afraid to mix and match shades to create a custom color that complements your skin tone. In the next section, we will discuss how using a lip liner can help you achieve a defined lip look.

Tip #3: Using a Lip Liner for Defined Lips

Using a lip liner to define your lips can elevate your overall makeup look, providing a polished and sophisticated finish. When choosing a lip liner, it’s important to consider the shade and texture of your lipstick. For a natural look, opt for a lip liner that matches your natural lip color. However, if you’re looking to create a bold statement, choose a liner that is a shade darker than your lipstick.

When it comes to lip liner techniques, start by outlining the natural shape of your lips, then fill in the rest of the lips with the liner. This will create a defined base for your lipstick to adhere to, preventing any feathering or bleeding. To make your lips appear fuller, slightly overline the lips with the liner, but be careful not to go too far outside of your natural lip line.

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To avoid any lip liner mistakes, make sure to blend the liner with a lip brush or your finger to create a seamless transition between the liner and lipstick. Also, avoid using a lip liner that is too dark or too light compared to your lipstick, as this can create an unflattering contrast. Once you’ve applied your lip liner, choose a lipstick shade that complements the liner for a cohesive look.

Using a lip liner is just one step in achieving a precise and long-lasting lipstick application. The next step is using a brush for even more precision. By using a brush, you can apply the lipstick to the corners of your lips and create a crisp, defined shape. This technique is especially helpful for darker shades or liquid lipsticks.

Tip #4: Applying Lipstick with a Brush for Precision

When it comes to painting a masterpiece on your lips, using a brush for precision is like using a paintbrush to create a stunning work of art – it’s the final touch that brings everything together. Brush types can range from synthetic to natural bristles, but it’s important to choose one that is firm enough to deposit color but soft enough to blend it seamlessly.

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Technique tips include starting in the center of the lips and blending outward, using a light hand to avoid over-applying, and using the brush to define the edges for a polished look.

Cleaning your brush regularly is essential to maintain hygiene and prevent bacteria buildup. A gentle cleanser like baby shampoo or a brush cleaner specifically designed for makeup brushes can be used to wash the bristles, and the brush should be laid flat to dry.

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While using a brush for lipstick application is a great option for precision and control, there are alternative application methods to consider. Some people prefer to apply lipstick straight from the bullet or use their fingers to dab and blend the color. Experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you. The next step in achieving a flawless lip look is setting your lipstick for long-lasting wear.

Tip #5: Setting Your Lipstick for Long-Lasting Wear

Achieving a long-lasting lip look is all about setting your lipstick, and there are a few tricks to keep your pout perfectly polished throughout the day. First, using a lipstick primer can make all the difference in how long your lipstick will last. It creates a smooth base for your lipstick to adhere to, and it also helps prevent feathering and bleeding.

Feathering lipstick can be a real pain, but there are ways to avoid it. One way is to apply lip liner before lipstick. This creates a barrier that helps prevent the lipstick from bleeding outside the lip line. Another way is to apply a thin layer of translucent powder over the lipstick. This sets the lipstick and helps prevent it from transferring or smudging.

After applying lipstick, it’s important to blot it with a tissue to remove any excess product. This not only helps prevent the lipstick from smudging or transferring, but it also helps the lipstick set and last longer. If you need to touch up throughout the day, try using a lip brush to apply the lipstick instead of applying it directly from the tube. This allows for more precision and control, and it helps prevent ruining the lipstick you already have on.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use a lip primer before applying lipstick?

Using a lip primer before applying lipstick can have several benefits. It helps to create a smooth base for the lipstick to adhere to, prolonging its wear time and preventing it from feathering or smudging. There are different types of lip primer available, including tinted and clear formulas, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs. When to use a lip primer depends on your personal preference and the occasion. For example, if you’re going to an event where you want your lipstick to stay put all day, using a primer is a good idea. To choose a lip primer, consider your skin type and the finish you want for your lipstick. Applying a lip primer is simple – just apply a thin layer to your lips and let it dry before applying your lipstick. Overall, using a lip primer can help you achieve a flawless, long-lasting lip look.

How do I apply lipstick on chapped lips?

Exfoliating lips is key to achieving a smooth and flawless finish when applying lipstick, especially on chapped lips. But before diving into the exfoliation process, it’s important to first use a lip balm to hydrate and nourish the lips. When choosing the right lipstick, it’s best to opt for creamy and moisturizing formulas that won’t exacerbate dryness. To further enhance the longevity and precision of the lipstick, apply a lip liner beforehand. Avoiding matte formulas is also recommended, as they can accentuate the appearance of chapped lips. With these tips in mind, anyone can achieve a stunning lip look that won’t be hindered by dryness or flakiness.

What is the best way to remove lipstick stains from clothing?

Removing lipstick stains from clothing can be a daunting task, but there are effective stain removal techniques to help tackle the problem. To prevent lipstick stains from setting in, it’s important to act quickly and avoid rubbing the stain as this can cause it to spread. Instead, gently blot the stain with a clean cloth or paper towel. Next, apply a stain remover or pre-treatment solution to the affected area and let it sit for a few minutes before washing the garment. When washing, use the hottest water recommended for the fabric and avoid drying the garment until the stain is completely removed. Taking care of your clothes and following laundry tips, such as reading labels and sorting fabrics, can also help prevent lipstick stains from occurring in the first place.

Can I mix different shades of lipstick to create a custom color?

Lipstick blending is an art that can lead to some exciting results. By mixing different shades of lipstick, one can create a customized color that perfectly suits their skin tone and personal style. To start, it’s essential to have a lip palette with a range of colors to choose from. Then, begin by swatching the different shades on the back of your hand to get an idea of how they look together. Experiment with blending different colors until you find the perfect combination that complements your complexion. With a bit of practice, you’ll become an expert at creating customized shades that will set you apart from the crowd. So, go ahead and unleash your creativity with lipstick blending!

How often should I replace my lipstick?

Lipstick longevity is an important consideration for anyone who loves makeup. One of the most important factors to keep in mind is the expiration date of your lipstick. Most lipsticks have a shelf life of about 2-3 years, so it’s important to check the expiration date before using it. Additionally, it’s recommended to replace your lipstick every six months to a year to ensure its quality and avoid any potential health risks. Proper storage is also crucial in extending the life of your lipstick. Keeping it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight can help maintain its quality. Lastly, quality indicators such as changes in texture, color, or scent can also signal that it’s time to replace your lipstick. By following these tips, you can enjoy your favorite shades of lipstick without compromising your health or beauty routine.


Applying lipstick is an art that requires precision, patience, and practice. It is like painting a masterpiece on a canvas, where every stroke matters, and every color plays a significant role. The tips mentioned above, from prepping your lips to setting your lipstick, are essential for achieving a flawless and long-lasting look.

Just like how an artist takes time to perfect their craft, a makeup enthusiast should also take their time to experiment with different shades, textures, and techniques. With practice, one can create their own signature look that enhances their natural beauty and complements their personality. Remember, the right lipstick can transform a plain canvas into a stunning work of art, and with these tips, anyone can achieve that perfect pout.

About the Author

Diana Goebelt-Schwarz

Diana Goebelt-Schwarz is an Avon Independent Sales Representative who specializes in helping women meet their skin care and beauty needs. A former elementary school teacher by training, Diana loves using her teaching skills to educate and support those who want to elevate to higher professional levels. Diana enjoys spending time with her family and friends, and she can often be found video-chatting with them during the evenings and on the weekends (if not together in person). Diana resides in Euclid, Ohio, with her amazing husband, Frank, and their three fur babies: Lexi, NuMew, and Boo.

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